ALMAZ Wearables

#90Day[Diamond Emoji] Challenge: Become a more conscious consumer

#90Day[Diamond Emoji] Challenge: Become a more conscious consumer
The fashion industry is rife not only with human abuse but also generating waste. 
Only 2% of garment workers worldwide are paid a living wage and here in the US up to 80% of garment workers face wage theft. 
If you're on this page, then you're interested in being a part of the solution rather than adding to the problem. That first step is a tough one. May Allah (swt) reward and increase you!
We invite you to join the movement towards becoming a more conscious consumer. 
Join the #90[Diamond Emoji] Challenge and take the pledge! You can choose one of two tracks depending on where you are in your journey and in your life. 
  1. #SecondHandFirstI pledge to be a more conscious consumer by choosing second hand first before making a new purchase.
  2. #EthicalVibesOnlyI pledge to be a more conscious consumer by choosing ethical brands when updating my wardrobe.
We want to meet you wherever you are on your journey. Just take the first step. The more in our mission is central - choosing to buy two items secondhand instead of new - that's more. Choosing one category of clothing to go ethical with - that's more. We're here for the more! Take one of the pledges above (click the link to take the pledge and receive support and resources throughout the 90 days). And be sure to let us and all of your friends know by sharing on IG and tagging us @almazwearables!

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